Successfull cases

Tooth whitening

This is the good result obtained with one only sitting of about one hour. Canins, premolars and incisors have regained brightness and a wonderful bright white tonality. The patient did

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Successfull cases

Smile recovery

The patient had teeth with very fragile and worn out enamel, several infiltrations and old sealings. Our attention to the details and the accurate mimicry of morfhology and color allowed

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Foto prima e dopo correzione del sorriso
Successfull cases

Dental implant application

This patient had a serious maxillary problem and agenesis of several upper elements. Teeth shape and position were unsuitable and disharmonious. To recover his smile we worked as a team:

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Foto prima e dopo ricostruzione del sorriso
Successfull cases

Smile recovery

The patient had worn out, non-aligned teeth and old metal dental crowns. Another dentist had applied composite veneers that did not meet the patient’s aesthetic requirements. The occlusal plane was

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Foto di prima e dopo di un paziente di dentista
Successfull cases

Realization of ceramic veneers

The patient had a smile with misaligned, worn-out and dyschromic teeth. Ceramic veneers have been applied on all teeth, thus assuring an amazing result as to function and aesthetics.

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